What do you do for work (considers a career change) :P
Press Tech
Short version - assistant operator for a printing press, matching customer specs and troubleshooting. So, basically big magazine titles are printed where I work. Customer sends in files what they want it to look like, we match it. A lot of times they fly in and make sure the finished product looks like they want. There is on the average, three people under me on the Press and one person above me. The person above me is in charge of all the paper work and training me (I\'m on contract for three years, I get evaluated every six months and receive a raise every six months). A lot of mental work, to be honest. Constantly trying to match colors to what someone expects and at the same time, run a certain amount of any given magazine per hour (around 32,000).
Honestly, it\'s nothing glamorous . No college degree or anything, started out as a part-time factory job when I was 18 and now six years later, I\'ve worked my way up . Went through a couple department changes and promotions and got there. I\'d like to go back to school and change careers, but where I live this pays good and now that I have kids, I really have no desire to move. Not to mention my time off. My current work schedule is like this..
Work Three days - off four (12 hour shifts), swing shift. Every six weeks I work nights and then switch back to days.
Three weeks paid vacation.
One "floating holiday" - a holiday I can take at any time.
Up to seven call ins (well, really six, on the seventh you get fired). Each call in can be counted as one week though. So, call in the first day of your work week and don\'t come in all week. I usually call in three times a year, which to me, equals up to be six weeks vacation (three paid, three not paid, as it\'s just me calling in for those weeks).
The work itself can be challenging sometimes and other times downright boring. On night shift I usually bring in either my Zune or laptop and watch movies / listen to music. Dayshift isn\'t near as relaxed, due to the fact customers tour the place during the daytime. Right now I am pulling 12 weeks of nights and loving it. Every night I either listen to the Zune, watch movies or just disappear for a few hours, then when I come back my boss disappears. Can\'t beat that.
And woot - as typing this, the Fedex guy stopped by and delivered my Nvidia sticker and 120MM green exhaust fan.