This is not a pity party, if you want a detailed timeline of what happened i will tell you.
Raz if you honestly new me you would know i suffer from daily migraines and have learned to deal with them until i absolutely need to take my meds. Also yesterday i was going to upload a picture of my license. But it occured to me that you only would have accused me of finding somebody\'s license on line and claimed it was me. Whats the matter raz you jealous you don\'t have the easy life like me ? Or would you like me to sign over my monthly social security check to you. I think raz you would have a difficult time convincing my wife, parents children and family my stroke never occurred. This is not a episode of dallas, and the last three years was a dream. Trust me i wish it was.
Guys i have just about had it with this site, how do you cancel your account. ?