I\'ll ask my question a third time: how would we humans, if we were to have a conciousness (a real one, not the illusion), control these rules and bend them, so that we take real control, and not just have the illusion that we control our decisions?
Well, your examples only list only physical realworld elements. Indeed, these have actual limitations, but THAT\'s where creativity and a clear conscious come into play. That\'s where we are forced to take responsibility and learn life\'s lessons ; to do something "good" or "bad" in the context of what we call our reality.
Otherwise we\'d be walking zombies or just creatures acting on pure animalistic instinct.
There\'s evidence enough that the non-physical elements such as psychological doings can have far greater effects on people\'s lives than physical actions/ events.
Saying we have no true consciousness in context of our reality is walking a slippery slope towards feeling no responsibility, thus being prone to mindlessly follow any power institute which claims it\'s some kind of an almighty fate, or any other addictive factor such as drugs or alcohol ( Hey, there\'s a reason why they say "religion is the Opium of the people" )
I do believe in a God, but to me God is something vastly different from what any known religion/faith tries to tell people. I believe God is something infinitely bigger and that earth and mankind are certainly NOT the centre of Godly creation. How the fuck did mankind get so arrogant to think that they are centre piece Godly creation. We have six senses, a rational limited mind and detection machines ; There\'s no way we can claim to know what LIFE all encompasses. Even if we can not see it, smell it, hear it or whatever, it doesn\'t give any human the right to state for truth to say that there is no life where he cannot detect it. We are far too limited to make such claims.
An ant walks on my enter button of the keyboard; hey, the ant indeed senses the keyboard... but it still doesn\'t ( probably ? ) know what an "enter button" actually is and it doesn\'t even understand what "plastic" is . What I\'m trying to say is ; even if we DID detect other life forms outside of our range of detection ; our minds would come short to even comprehend it.
That\'s why i believe God is far greater than what "they" say. Certainly not something which created "Man to His image". The universe as we know it might be even as small to God as an atomn to one life size man. There\'s no God specially for mankind. Human\'s made it up imo, just to try to somewhat comprehend it all. I think God is not something personal. It ( I refuse to refer to God as "Him" ) is the ultimate Creation and there\'s purpose to it and all life ; for us, we just need to live a life\'s lesson in the limited context of our reality. Taking more responsibility to learn and evolve.
I already had big convo\'s/discussions about God with my girlfriend and her community ; she\'s a real Catholic. - but that\'s another story.