Well, yeah.. i can understand
Since i am dating my current girlfriend, who is Catholic.. i had many talks with her Catholic friends as well ( mind you, my parents are from Christian background, but not practicing ).
Some of her friends would give me books from American ministries like John Maisel. The book\'s called "Is Jesus God ?" ; and i disagree with about every single word written in that book. He basically closes the book with a writing which calls for the eradication of atheists. I think mr Maisel is a true example of a conservative idiot. Let me quote him :
"Can we prove the existance of God without a Bible ? " An Adequate case for the existence of God can be made without reference to any Bible or Holy book.
In brief, the existence of God follows these three steps :
1) every effect has a cause
2) the universe is an effect
3) Therefore, the universe has a cause which we call God
longer version :
1) every effect has a cause which is greater (that is more complex) than itself
2) the universe is an effect which must have a cause which is greater (more complex) than itself
3) the universe exists (Pantheism is wrong)
4) therefore the cause of the universe exists
5) the universe contains the personal and the moral ( we humans are personal and moral )
6) therefore, at least a personal moral cause for the universe exists. So now the cause can be called "He" not "It".
7) the universe does not create something from nothing (by observation) yet it is something
8) therefore the universe had to be created from nothing (or from something that was ultimately created from nothing)
9) therefore, the personal moral existing cause for the universe can create (i.e., a personal moral Creator exists)
10) if the Creator -Cause were finite, then he would have another Creator -Cause who would have in turn another one and so on.
11) But that would mean that at least one finite Creator-Cause would be either (a) self caused or (b) uncaused. That is impossible because (a) a being cannot precede itself to cause itself and (b) nothing finite is uncaused.
12) therefore all the causes cannot be finite(non-ultimate causes)
13)the personal moral existing Creator -Cause is infinite
14) the infinite cause must be eternal because eternality is infinity applied to time ( and no meaningful statement can be made about space without reference to time )
15) An infinite eternal cause could not change ( since anything He would change into, He would already be)
16)The Creator-Cause must be all-knowing, all-powerful and all perfect (otherwise, he could change)
17)therefore a personal moral, infinite eternal immutable (unchanging) all knowing, all perfect Creator Cause exists.
18) Such a being is worthy of worship
19) A being worthy of worship can be called God
20) Therefor , God exists.
Conclusion : Atheism must be rejected as a reasonable worldview. "
End of quote.
I disagree strongly with points 5 to 6 and 15 to 20. Maisel applies earthly human terms such as \'personal\' and \'perfect\'. In my opinion, his Christianity is a heavily flawed human attempt at trying to understand what God is ; because it applies human logic ( which falls short ) to God. They say "God created man to His image". I think that is FALSE. What happened is that mankind can\'t grasp it and the institute called religion decided to make people believe that. So, imo, they created God to their (mankind\'s) image.