I used to be like you. I\'m not afraid I to say I used to be a bit of a sony fanboy, but it mainly had to do with the fact that they had a console that was perfect (ps1) and the controller back then was the greatest. ps2 was a great console, although not as perfect as the ps1 used to be. However, IMO this generation sony has done almost nothing right. The ps3 is alot of hype about nothing. They just kept promising and promising, but even to this day the library is severely lacking, especially when taking the huge 360 library into consideration. Add to that the fact that IMO the 360 controller is superior to the playstation controller.
I used to dislike anything microsoft had to offer, but I just can\'t deny the fact that they have done alot right this generation...
Personally I think Sony did many things right with the PS3 if we isolate our perspective only on PS3. What they did wrong was that they are lagging behind in their offers
compared to competition.
Their console improved in many things above the PS2 and offers much more. But what happens when your competitor starts offering and improving one year before you? You are obvisouly going to lag behind and the consumer will certaintly start taking into account his opportunity costs. Choose a cheaper 360 with a bigger library? Or choose a much much more expensive PS3 that doesnt have as many games?
Sony fell victims of their own success and businesses. The blu ray bared a huge risk and at the same time an opportunity that as a whole business entity couldnt avoid. Sony even created a report noting down all the costs and damages they would have had to endure in case the PS3 got delayed because of blu ray. It also increased costs of production too much. I am not sure if they had a good contingency planning though. I ll have to reread that .pdf again.
They also had too many events that blew up their reputation. There was a battery recall, the patent dispute with immersion which resulted to the absence of vibration, sites spreading negativity, the European delay etc.
Also the controller remained as it is due to their previous success. Two generations in a row it was the standard and used by more than 100 million gamers world wide. Then although the controller could have been much better, the "boomerang" controller wasnt well received by the public. So they stayed with the old design believing it was the best choice.
All these plus more affected the course of the console. In marketing one negative event spreads 10 times more bad reputation than a positive spreading a good one.
This is the first time that I am considering owning two consoles since both are at equal terms now.