fun game. Pretty much exactly what i expected since its identical to the beta, in terms of gameplay. Map wise its really good..good variety and design in general.
the ranking system is pretty cool. All the 360 achievements are for single player, but the game itself has it\'s own "achievement" system on multiplayer, where you get certain upgrades for completing certain goals which will help with replay value/using all of the guns.
My 2 complaints is that in MP, i dont think all the maps are available for team deathmatch. Theres like 10 gameplays, and some maps are only specific to certain gameplays. I only play team DM so it limits how many maps im going to see. And SP, your teamates have no sense of where your character is, so in missions like the first one where its really cramped, the AI running into you gets really annoying. Luckily most of the game is in open land.