Meh race has nothing to do with have white kids jumping black kids, black kids jumping white kids, black kids jumping other black kids and so on,..the only time it\'s racial issue is when the media gets it\'s hands over it...granted some of the stories are legitimate, but alot are really blown outta proportion....but let\'s be honest here, if i saw a bunch of white youth\'s and a bunch of black youth\'s coming towards me, i honestly would have to say that i wouldn\'t fear anything from the white youth\'s at all, but the black youth\'s?...and i\'m not sayin\' that i fear anybody, but let me just say that they can sometimes create a certain image that can put you on edge...*i mean if we\'re bein honest let\'s just be honest*
But that doesn\'t mean that all black youth are like that because they\'re not, i\'m just sayin\' from living in the projects myself, i know how some of these black youth get down....sometimes you just gotta be street smart and i\'m not sayin\' that this guy deserved what happened to him, it\'s just that when people gesture to you for something sometimes you just gotta be cold as ice and ignore them...
And Chizz...ignorance is the thing that i don\'t like,....but honesty i can respect 100%....i still remember that converstation we had about your uncles garage i think it was that kept bein burglarized, and because it was in a predominantly black neighborhood, it was a no-brainer as to who was committing the crimes,...and i didn\'t blame you for feelin\' the way that you did toward black folk,\'s hard not to feel that way when it\'s happening on a constant basis.
For me i still think all people are a**holes, whether you\'re black, white, orange or whatever, if you threaten me or my family, be ready to be sent to emergency or be prepared to start pushin\' up daises 6 feet under. Titan, I\'m sorry about what happened to your friend, and i hope they find the a**holes that committed this crime, it seems like nice people are always victims in this type of unnecessary bulls**t...