[quote[It doesn\'t work with any of the current players.[/quote]
Nor does any of the current blu-ray players work with blu-ray 1.2 or 1.3
Blu spec has yet to be finalized, so those who own current blu-ray players get screwed, as for HD-DVD triple layer does not affect them cause the main movie will not be stored on the third layer only the extra features, and that is only going to happen when demand increases.
Blu-ray was rushed, it\'s exspensive, region restricted, it\'s DRM infested much worse than HD-DVD(BD+) and it\'s library is Dire. HD-DVD has support of many of the independant studios meaning the quality movies. Blu-ray library is mostly comprised of mainstream films, most the movies i see that are good are on HD-DVD. on a side note most people associate blu-ray with SONY and want it to fail, such as me.
By the way I Own a Pioneer Elite BDP-95FD Blu-ray player(came free with the purchase of my 60inch 8G Kuro Pioneer 1080P plasma Elite)
The PS3 has the fastest bootup of any Hi Def player on the market (BR and HD DVD players
We do not want a Game console for playing our HD movies, but yes PS3 will be Blu-ray 1.3 compliant with firmware upgrade. Quality Dedicated player is still better.
FUCK both the studios, they are grafting us.
Winner = Dual Format Player and it will happen.
HD movies sales is 2% of the market while DVD is 97%