haven\'t even looked at hthis page in a while. Here\'s why-
co-worker who was a miserable, grumpy, perpetual victim, fat sack of loser shit walked out last friday. I put an invoice on his desk, and he flipped out about where I put it. I said, "so fucking fix it, and I\'ll start telling you where you can put shit on my desk" He stormed out, and the boss game him an hour, then said " if you\'re not back here in 15 min, then don\'t come back." he didn\'t come back, so we accepted his resignation. He worked for the company for 35 + years! We are the busiest we\'ve ever been in the history of the company, and the bitch tried to call our bluff. so I\'ve been doing double duty..
funny part is, he was on a message board for the industry that was his life. He has no real friends (prob like someone we know
) and I changed the login info, because it\'s like $400 / mo . all his "friends" are trying to boycott us, which is funny, cos you couldn\'t feed a goldfish with the business they give us. Someone went as far as to call a major customer and impersonate the owner of the company and try to ruin our relationship! Unbelievable.
now I gotta get in the shower for another 12+ hour day with gold at record high of $915...see ya!