^^^I like the opening cinema with how they showed what happened with the twin towers....tho i expect some backlash from that little scene when this game is released,.possibly from 911 families stating that they\'re profiting off a horrible event...but i hope that doesn\'t happen.....i\'ll still probably pick it up, but the cover system doesn\'t seem fully realized here,..they\'re just walking crouched down to the wall instead of actually bein\' up against it....i know this game drops soon, so i know that they\'re not gonna fix that,...it looks like they improved the gun effects too, but even that seems to be just slightly....
I just hope they\'re not rushing this thing out the door,..this game was supposed to drop last Nov. but it was delayed for obvious reasons, and looking at some of the videos, i think the game could stand just for a few more weeks of polish...