I wouldn\'t exactly say McCain is like voting for Bush. I mean the ole fuck was a POW for god\'s sake.
Bush had a very tough 8 years. Not only did he have the .com crash, but he had 9/11. That is real tough. Combine that with coming after Clinton who had the .com boom, a couple unretaliated mild terrorist events and it looks real bad.
I don\'t agree with some of the stuff Bush has done, but man I just couldn\'t imagine having some one as political as Obama in the white house. And to be honest, I really don\'t think he has a shot in hell of beating McCain anyway. Look at the last two elections... Democrats get all the publicity and look like the shoe in and end up losing come November.
With that said, what the fuck do I know..
It\'s ok to follow religion,..as long as you\'re not too radical with it...for some religion gives discipline and structure to one\'s life..
Can\'t you just have discipline and structure on your own without following the horseshit of parting waters, a big boat with dinosaurs on it, and creating a chick from a rib?