What a load of shit. It\'s being driven by the fact that so many, including plenty of folks inside the "black community", are still trying so desperately to defend the indefensible. If all Americans (including 100% of the so-called "black community") had instantly condemned Wright\'s hatred and bigotry in unison, it would have had the effect Obama\'s sycophants have been desperately trying to produce artificially: This whole thing would have faded away a long time ago. But as long as there are still people referring to Wright as a "warrior", and cheering and applauding his hatred and bigotry, shouting "Amen", etc etc etc.....and there are still people trying so desperately to defend Obama\'s 20-year close association with Wright, pretending it somehow "doesn\'t" reflect badly on Obama\'s judgement, character, integrity, etc etc etc.....it won\'t be going away anytime soon. So it\'s (large portions of) the "black community" itself which is continuing to drive this issue.
BTW - I added the "large portions of" comment in parentheses because I don\'t believe for one second that all (or even "most") members of the so-called "black community" are racist enough to defend Wright\'s hatred and bigotry, shout "Amen" when he publicly spews it, refer to him as some kind of "warrior", etc.
What should be repulsive to all Americans is the notion that there is anybody, black, white or purple, who considers Wright\'s hatred and bigotry "acceptable".
Exactly why this issue isn\'t going away anytime soon, despite the Obama fan-club\'s desperate efforts to sweep it under the rug.
I\'m not defending wright but you do know when he stated "god damn america" and stating that america brought 911 to itself, that he was quoting some other "white guy"....watch the whole clip...because i was highly upset when i saw just that small snippet,...but when i saw the whole clip, he clearly stated that he was quoting somebody else,.....and what he said are some things that i\'ve stated all along and that was that the u.s, policies overseas do indeed anger alot of people over there....does it make 9/11 right?...no but our policies are a huge reason why it happened...
But overall you guys keep connecting him to Obama,...and now you\'re sayin.."he disowned him but it\'s too late"...did obama say those things that wright stated?....nope...but some of ya\'ll still persist...meh this is bulls**t why should i try to convince you when you\'re like the rest of the sheep out there that has already has there mind made up?....if you don\'t agree with his plans for america?... fine.....but not to vote for him or like him even after he gave an honest speech and then gave another on top of wrights grandstanding?....
"wright even stated that he wanted to be vice president jokingly".
But some of you white folk will take that and say.."see he\'s still down with obama he wants to be vice president"...:rolleyes:....it\'s just a cop-out for your true racist feelings down deep,....cause some of ya\'ll are acting like obama said some of the things that wright said....as a matter of fact i think you guys are convinced of it...but if obama doesn\'t make it then so be it,...and i\'ll just vote for hillary,..since their views on healthcare and other issues are almost the same,...and i don\'t have a problem with votin\' for somebody that\'s white....
It\'s just like stating to the world that..."well since bush invaded iraq then i guess ALL AMERICANS felt it was the right decision to go into iraq since he\'s our president".....nope president bush decided to do that s**t on his own...i didn\'t agree with any of it,..what\'s worse is bush decision is costing us american lives and money,....but i iguess some of you white folk feel that wright is more important than what is going on with the country...no wonder folks outside this country thinks that americans are stupid,....some of you guys still haven\'t gotten over your racist ways and are more concerned with not putting a black person in the white house than you are with the housing crisis, the economy and other issues..
If obama can help fix the country then give him a chance to do it, THAT is what is important,.. not this circus that the media keeps connecting obama to wright.