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GamesRadar: First things first. This is the epic resolution to an epic saga and it comes on a Blu-ray disc. Just what sort of percentage of the playing time do the cut-scenes take up?Paul Fitzpatrick: Hard to say. I didn\'t time the cut-scenes, but I completed MGS4 in just over 29 hours, and at a guess I\'d say it was two thirds playing to one third watching. But that is a guess…GR: How long did you spend finishing MGS4 for the review? What was your play schedule like and how how complete a look at the game do you feel you got? Anything you would have liked to take some extra time over?PF: 29 hours and six minutes was my exact play-through time, and I saw everything I felt I needed to see to really get the measure of the game. I\'d love to go back and play through with all the cool weapons and items unlocked of course. There are some beauties. Oh, and the play through didn\'t take in Metal Gear Online, which is being reviewed separately.GR: The gameplay formula seems to have made the biggest single-game evolution we\'ve ever seen in the MGS series. Does it still feel like a Metal Gear game despite that? If so, how have Konami maintained that essence, and if not, how have things changed?PF: It totally feels like Metal Gear. The faction dynamic isn\'t over-used and when it is available is only ever an option, supplementing stealth. It was a bit of classic Kojima misdirection to suggest that everything would be tied to that. The characters, themes and to a lesser extent, the core controls and abilities are where MGS really resides, and they have remained the same, even if what you do with them has altered.GR: The game seems to be made of a wider spread of game styles and mechanics this time. Is it still as focused an overall experience as we expect from Metal Gear?PF: Yes, for the reasons above. Emotionally, there is some dilution as there are so many individual stories to tie up and resolve, but from a gameplay perspective it\'s remarkably focused.
what\'s up with paul?
kind of regretting i never got into the series. I just sucked at it when the first one came out that i never bothered with any of the other games. I rented snake eater, but couldnt stand the camera through the first hour..especially when the thing killing me the most was an alligator.anyway, ill read up on the story and everything before i get the bundle so i get whats going on
The first act of snake eater pissed me the fuck off, almost to the point of putting it away for good. Luckily I\'m a stubborn bastard because the rest of the game really shined.