You know, if it was someone like Phil or even Giga (who I don\'t exactly get along with most the time), I\'d be more civil about this. Why? Because I\'d believe them. They post stuff other than personal pity stories. Due to the fact that Fred never posts anything but things to get attention drawn to him, I just simply do not believe this and there for, do not offer any sympathy.
And I\'m not doctor, but you say that they suspect the blood transfusion. Which, is possible. But you also say it\'s a transfusion from when she was a kid. Now we\'re talking about a grown woman, with four kids all of a sudden being diagnosed with AIDS? She would of went thru countless blood tests just while pregnant those four times. Something known as HIV (before AIDS sets in) would of shown up. Or the fact that when the HIV itself set it, she would of started noticing symptoms and had to be checked out. You don\'t all of a sudden just gets full blown AIDS out of a transfusion that was probably twenty years ago.
And I know children whose mother has HIV and all those kids are checked on a regular schedule. So far none of them have it, but they\'re constantly checked. Her four kids will also be under the same routine.
Nice lie tho\'. Try again, bud.