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wow, did not see that one coming! I have to say it has to take an open minded person to do such a thing, so I guess I should make an apology to you. Up untill that infamous thread I didn\'t really have that much of a problem with you. Hell, I used to bash Uni on a lot of occasions too. It was just that, to me, you crossed the line in that thread too. That was the reason I took that rant on you, I just wanted you to feel the way I felt about the the things you said.So in short, if you´re able to let it go, I will too. Let´s get back to you being sarcastic and me complaining. you know, without family death wishes \'n\' stuff...
You were a jerk to me and I accept your apologywow j/k didnt see this coming good job. Now don\'t turn intoa pussy and start kissing everyone\'s ass.
Welcome back, LiC.*cues the Star Trek: First Contact main theme*
I was thinking more in the lines of the Benny Hill Show.
I think I was the only one who ever openly admitted to missing you but I didn\'t get any props from you so FUCK YOU!!!(How many times did I say "you"?)
Takes a lot of humility to admit when your wrong
ohh so Ashford is now your no1 love, I thought we had something man... I thought we would last, I tought we were forever... but no... internet homo love isn\'t what it used to be.