Obama gave a really good speech on his Patriotism today...good stuff...now i did read about what Gen.Wesley Clark said of McCain & i agree.....just because you served in the military doesn\'t automatically make you qualified to be prez...what i\'m more surprised about is how MCcCain is attacking Obama for it...
http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/06/30/obama-rejects-clarks-statement/"I know that General Clark is not an isolated incident but I have no way of knowing how much involvement Sen. Obama has in that issue," he told reporters. "I know he has mischaracterized some of my statements in the past including our involvement in Iraq but I\'ll let the American people decide about that. "
So now he(McCain) thinks Obama sent the general to talk about him like that?...:rolleyes:...again Obama cannot control what these people say,..i guess if anybody states anything negative towards him, Obama must\'ve obviously paid them to say it...with that type of such simple juvenille logic & thinking.....yea McCain doesn\'t deserve to be prez....go change yer depends!!...