It is funny how you Obama supporters think he is above this sort of thing. Of course his campaign had Clark say those things. Stop being naive. Obama is a liar and only says things that are politically convenient, just like any other politician. He knew everything Wright stood for and not until the Press Club speech did he disown him. The Obama strategy is to have supporters do his attacking while he sits back and denounces it - to make him look like a better person. The sad thing is all the people who buy it.
Obama\'s policies will make the economy worse. Wanting to raise taxes to fund more wasteful government programs in a recessions is idiotic.
Also, you fail to see the facts - Lieberman is not a Republican. He was a Democrat until the party stabbed him in the back so he became independent.
Keep drinking your Kool-Aid clips. Obamamessiah has you thoroughly under his spell.
The fact is I trust McCain a hell of a lot more than Obama when it comes to having a finger on the button. After all, Obama wants to get rid of all our nukes, regardless of what the Russians and Chinese do. He will gut our military, worse than Clinton did - to a point where we won\'t even be able to defend ourselves. He won\'t spend money on Defense research and other programs that have kept us having the number one military in the world.
Again I ask, what has Obama done that makes him qualified to lead this country? Come on answer the question. You can\'t because the guy is clueless and you and your fellow Obamatons are too wrapped up in "hope and change". :rolleyes:
He wants to raise taxes on the wealthy while still giving tax cuts to folks who make under $250,000 a year....i don\'t see anything wrong with that...what\'s wrong with removing those tax breaks from the big oil companies that have profited billions each quarter?...and using those profits for gov\'t programs or for the american public?....i see no problem with that at all. Again with the way the economy is going...i guess your strategy is to wait it out,...see if the dollar will bounce back, in the meantime folks are losin their jobs,...the housing sector is a mess the war is costing us billions,..and you think that it\'s a wee bit unfair to see an increase in taxes for the wealthy to balance things out a bit?
And i see you still avoided my scare tactics statement,....Black is somebody that\'s very close to McCain and it was very foolish of him to make such a statement like that,..and who cares if liberman is an independent, he stood soley by McCain when McCain didn\'t know what he was talking about in terms of who was invading iraq in terms of the any case Liberman had to actually correct him on the facts...clark can say whatever he wants, keep believing that Obama is puttin\' folks out there to say stuff...keep bein sheep.
And i still agree with the fact that just because you have a military background, doesn\'t automatically qualify you for the clark a hypocrite? maybe,..but that is not worse than stating that another terrorist attack would only benefit John McCain or stating that we\'re probably going to be attacked again around 2009/2010...because the prez will be tested early,...but according to your logic i guess McCain sent those two idiots out on his behalf to say that?......with that type of crazy talk you actually give those people that actually believe 9/11 was a staged event some firepower.
This is gettin\' long but one last point,...because he doesn\'t wear a pin, want to question his patriotism?..that is laughable,..i don\'t wear flag pin at all, but i guess i\'m not a patriot or proud of my country?....or in one snapshot he didn\'t have his hand on heart saluting?....he was clearly listening to the girl sing the song....people are really reaching with such idiotic stories....really to question his patriotism based on the notion that he doesn\'t wear a flag pin?....some folks in america have the intelligence of a doorknob...
Again not likin\' the guy for his policies i can roll with,..but stating stupid s**t like "uhm i\'m not votyin\' for him because he doesn\'t wear a flag pin or he didn\'t salute the flag" just a cover up for some underlying racial themes some feel about him...and it\'s true,..some white folks have already stated that they won\'t vote for him because of his race,..and to those folks that feel that that way i say fuck"em!