Everybody has advisors..what planet are you livin\' on? I already stated that he really hasn\'t really been in the senate long enough to bulid up his resume, but he has done some good things since he\'s been in the senate....so what if he doesn\'t have alot of experience, we already have a prez with experience and you see where that got us....one of the worse presidents in the history of the nation.
Yes, everyone does have advisors, BUT McCain makes his own decisions and has the EXPERIENCE to do so. Obama does not.
Good things since he has been there? NAME SOME!!!!!
Really, worst president in the history of the US? Elaborate please.
So yeah i\'ll take common sense policies over "experienced policies" anyday,.whatever plan Obama has is ten-times better than what is goin\' on in washington right now, bush is just chillin\' right now twindling his fingers until january rolls around...and McCain has been part of this same tired eight year policy of the bush Admin.... gimmie a break...the republicans have had the last 8 years on lock and nothing different has come out of it,.but an 100 billion dollar debt from iraq and an economy that bush states has "slowed down"..:rolleyes:...what an idiot.....but now all of a sudden McCain wants to say he\'s different than bush after basically agreeing with 90% of his policies?....he\'s so old he\'s forgetting that he agrees with everything bush has pushed forward.
Yes the economy has slowed a bit and you obviously don\'t know what a recession is. Funny how the price of oil is dropping again isn\'t it?
He even tried to criticize Obama on two occassions saying that he wasn\'t present for a particular vote..(not sure what it was)...but what he also forgot was that HE TOO was also absent from this so called critical vote on a bill...he\'s done this twice already....and you want somebody in there that\'s as forgetfull as grandpa McCain?...he needs his advisors just to let him know what year he\'s livin in.....never mind the fact if he is elected will he even survive the next 4 years?..isn\'t he like 100?....
McCain has a long record of voting in the senate, does Obama? Does he? Answer the question clips - what has he done since being elected? Oh thats right he
lies and makes up stuff:
Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, which is my committee, a bill to call for divestment from Iran.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjzb61wfyN0The fact is HE IS NOT EVEN ON THE COMMITTEE!!!!Democrat Republican
Christopher J. Dodd Chairman (D-CT) Richard C. Shelby Ranking Member (R-AL)
Tim Johnson (D-SD) Robert F. Bennett (R-UT)
Jack Reed (D-RI) Wayne Allard (R-CO)
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) Michael B. Enzi (R-WY)
Evan Bayh (D-IN) Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
Tom Carper (D-DE) Jim Bunning (R-KY)
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Mel Martinez (R-FL)
Robert P. Casey (D-PA) Bob Corker (R-TN)
Jon Tester (D-MT)
http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Information.MembershipThis is the kind of stuff he says all the time and the press ignores it. Obama is a FUCKING LIAR. Go ahead and try and defend it clips... please... I need a good laugh.
That was one example of the many lies this guy tells and people like you ignore it and have the nerve to call everyone else dumb.
As one blog puts it "Is there somewhere we could we institute a National Clearing House to keep track of all the Obama gaffes?"