Really, worst president in the history of the US? Elaborate please.
Have you\'ve seen his approval ratings?...again what planet are you livin\' on?
To top it off he is running around the Middle East (on our tax dollars) and now Europe to make it look like he is an expert at foreign affairs. Amazing how no press is allowed to ask him questions, yet he has 75 percent of the mainstream media in tow. 20 minutes at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem does not qualify him. Pretty funny he was heckled there, yet CNN didn\'t report about it. There are also rumors that his basketball shot that has been playing on MSNBC when he was in Kuwait was staged. Military sources have said it took him four or five times to make it, yet we are deceived by people like Chris Matthews into believing that he sunk it the first time. It is a dog and pony show and it is becoming quite pathetic at the lengths the Obama campaign will go to in order fluff up their candidate.
Hmmm....first McCain and crew criticize Obama for not makin\' that trip to Iraq & other countries & then when he does make the trip,..McCain criticizes him for it?..:rolleyes:...who\'s flip-flopping now?...he can\'t have it both ways,...when Obama was makin\' that speech in Germany,...McCain just happened to be eating in a german restuaraunt?(spel) in Ohio?...that\'s too funny...he goes on to say(about Obama) well there are more important matters in the u.s. but he feels taking trips are more important...:rolleyes:
It really helps Obama that just about all of europe is incredibly excited about him, and that can go a long way to restoring the u.s. image on an international level,....since bush\'s arrogance on iraq & his cowboy policies, relationships are still strained between the u.s. and alot of our allies...oh and cnn did report that he got heckled in jerusalem....
I am still waiting for clips to answer my question. He seems to think whites won\'t vote for Obama because he is black, yet I believe a large majority who won\'t vote for him question his positions and lack of experience. Anyone with a brain would question a junior Senator who has come out of nowhere and has no political track record regardless of race or gender.
I still think some white folk won\'t vote for him because of his color,....honestly with the state the country is in, Obama should have a huge lead over McCain, but he doesn\'t,...and everybody wants to act stupid and say " racism couldn\'t possibly be the answer"..:rolleyes:....i\'m not sayin\' it\'s the only answer, but it is a huge part of it,....i also believe there are some that are white that truly have doubts about him and those are the folks i respect,...but being that this race is so close, i believe most are voting through their pre-judgement & ignorance of fear of actually havin\' a black prez, than actually sayin\' meh..this guy has no experience...
And what question do you want me to answer?...i think i\'ve answered it already....what qualifies McCain?...what?..bein a war hero?...while i do respect the men uniform, that doesn\'t automatically qualify you....he\'s sayin\' the same thing Obama is sayin in terms of policies....both are saying.."we need to do this & we need to do that" without giving any concrete details...i\'m sure when Obama comes back from his trip, we\'ll see a more fleshed out version of his plan..
McCain has a long record of voting in the senate, does Obama? Does he? Answer the question clips - what has he done since being elected? Oh thats right he lies and makes up stuff:
It would only make sense that grandpa would have a longer record than Obama don\'t you think?\'re funny, about you show me a list of what McCain has done,..since you want to compare notes....everybody is riding that bulls**t inexperience excuse,...if you have somebody comin\' thru with a clean slate and new ideas and a vision to actually implement it, i\'ll take fresh & new & smart anyday over old, tired & tried experience....