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Author Topic: Warhammer Online next month  (Read 28973 times)

Offline Joker
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Warhammer Online next month
« on: August 20, 2008, 10:15:11 AM »
this is the last MMO i\'m buying, I swear!!

AoC is still buggy as hell even 3 months after release. I can\'t stand WoW and I don\'t like how LotrO has no PvP. But i\'ve been following Warhammer for over a year now and it comes out next month on Sept 18th. Made by the guys who made DAOC which i\'ve heard good things about in terms of its PvP.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eof2Vqwnviw - New trailer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnnlkO6Sf84 - PvP battleground

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGrjw80EjCI - Keep battle (also PvP)

YouTube videos don\'t do it justice can\'t get embeding to work for some reason. But theres 20 classes to choose from and for the most part they all seem unique. Anyone else gonna pick this one up? I\'m looking at you Luke & Pickles. Jump? I remember you saying a long time ago you might play it

The non disclosure agreement was lifted for beta players yesterday so theres a ton of videos on youtube now. Some are decent, most have shitty players playing, a lot have lag. But they can still give a really good idea as to how the game will play.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 10:20:23 AM by Joker »
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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2008, 12:09:14 PM »
I haven\'t decided for sure, but more than likely I\'ll be buying it.

I\'m still bitter about the complete letdown AOC was.

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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2008, 12:17:53 PM »
I loveed AOC for a month...then I quit because major issues still were not fixed. I started playing again on the 16th of August and a fair number of bugs have been fixed but the servers are a ghost town and there is still HUGE issues with broken talents.

Also every fight now seems to be only a couple hits, fights last a few seconds and then its done. As much as I love to bash WoW i\'m looking for a fresh take on a gameplay using elements of WoW and bringing its own unique stuff to the table and is focused on PvP. Enter warhammer.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 12:19:40 PM by Joker »
\"do we seriously have to shut down every thread that doesn\'t start out gay? Only threads you guys don\'t fuck up are the ones that start gay anyway.\"Videoholic

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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2008, 02:42:18 PM »
Got into the beta this morning.

So much to say but I fear all I would do is oversell it.
This beta has less bugs than AoC\'s live version currently has.

Warhammer is like they took all the best parts of WoW pvp and DAOCC RvR and mashed them together and then added lots of new things you haven\'t seen before...and the outcome is all kinds of awesome.

One glaring critque tho is that Destruction side ALWAYS outnumbers Order side, by a fair amount. I hope they have a way of evening it out by launch. But even so, I still loved playing as Order.
\"do we seriously have to shut down every thread that doesn\'t start out gay? Only threads you guys don\'t fuck up are the ones that start gay anyway.\"Videoholic

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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2008, 06:34:21 PM »
Oversell it. I wanna hear it.

Offline Sublimesjg
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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2008, 02:22:25 AM »
im in wotlk beta... i know wow ewwwww... but i gotta say i like the direction they are taking it. i really just wish blizzard would hurry up Diablo 3 or their nex gen mmo.

i dont think i can personally make the jump to Warhammer though. seems like too much of the same when looking at it with wow in mind
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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2008, 11:01:23 AM »
Warhammer is like an MMO action movie. Explosions going off everywhere, people flying, catapults slinging, cannons shooting.

They only let us play the starting zones but the game really hammers home the point that your a member of an army fighting a war. The war is everywhere.

Public quests are really great and really fun. Public quests are special quests that anyone can take part in at any time, you just go to the area that the quest is in and the objective will pop up on your screen and also what stage of the quest. After the quest is done a window pops up and numbers start spinning like a slot machine to determine who contributed the most to the quest. If you did good then you get a loot bag and you get an item. ALL THE ITEMS (if your lucky enough to get a loot bag) are made for YOUR character.

So say your a tank class and you come in first, you don\'t have to worrry about getting rewarded with an item ment for a wizard. Its nice to know that no matter what you WILL get either an item for your character, something for one of your crafting skills, or simply money if thats what you want.

The quests themselves are very fun aswell, one of them at its final stage a giant troll comes marching out of a forest knocking down trees on players and what not.

There are many moments of \'Hey, thats pretty cool\' in this game. Its like an Arcade MMO. Its action, action, and more action.

Then there is open world pvp which is also very fun. I took part in a keep siege and had to command a battering ram with 5 other players to break the door down while dozens of other players were fighting around me. It was going good until the people in the keep we were attacking dropped boiling oil on the battering ram and killed us instantly. But it was still awesome.

Also if PvE is not your thing at all. The PvP XP is so good that you could level from lvl 1 to 40 from PvP alone without any problems.

Warhammer claims to have 20 classes (which technically it does) but EVERY class is mirrored by another one on the opposing side. Meaning the Dwarf Runepriest is almost identical to the Chaos Zealot. They have the same play mechanics, just different names. So there is actually only 7 types of classes to choose from..
Melee DPS
Ranged DPS
Magic ranged DPS
Healer DPS hybrid

Those classes are spread out amongst 20 different character models, so once you know what you want to do its more of a choice of how you want to look. I assume they made it this way because no one can cry \'Nerf!\' every 2 seconds because the armies are equal.

I didn\'t play any of the healer classes, but they can keep themselves alive long enough to make their way back to their allies for assistance. Healers are definatley not people you pick on for 1 shots. The tanks in this game actually feel like tanks. They take such an insane beating when they got their shields out. You can survive for longer than you\'d imagine even with 8 people beating on you at the same time.

The great thing about tanks comes with the collision detection in the game. I was a Chaos Chosen tank and I was defending a keep with a Black Orc tank and we had healers and ranged dps behind us. We set up on the stairway leading to the top of the keep after the enemy had broken its way in. Me and the Black Orc were like a wall of meat and metal. The enemy can\'t run through us and pick on the squishies behind us. They have to kill us to get through. It was one of the times I had the most fun.

Think of that scene from 300, the first fight scene of the movie where the persians charge the spartans and the just slam into the spartans shields while the dudes behind stabbed them. I didn\'t know how they would make tanking fun in a PvP game but I have to say it was a total blast.

We only got to play in the first 2 starting zones of each class. But in the first 20 levels (which is as high as it would let us go) there was already 6 different battlegrounds to que up for and play. The BG\'s were also fun, the ranged from capture the flag, to king of the hill, to kill the carrier type objectives.

The actualy gameplay is similar to WoW (nothing at all like Conan) in a lot of ways but also has a lot of stuff that make it different. Something familar and something new. The black orc for example uses attacks which open up bigger attacks which lead to his best attacks. The bright wizards get to rain down fire on people however they will build up combustion inside themselves and they have a spell that gets rid of combustion. You get about 10 combustion for every spell you cast with a maximum of 100. At 100 if you use it you get a small instant crit. However if you do not use your combustion and if it is at 100, the next time you go to use a spell there is a high chance you will blow yourself up. As a wizard I probably killed myself more than anyone else simply by not playing attention.

There are dozens of PvE quests and there are dungeons to play in, but I didn\'t do any dungeons cause I was just having so much fun in PvP. But there are PvE things to accomplish if you need a break from the hectic PvP.

All in all i\'ve had a AWESOME first experience with Warhammer. I can only speak for myself and as someone who can\'t get enough PvP, it seems like this game was tailor made for me. Can\'t wait for sept 18th.

\"do we seriously have to shut down every thread that doesn\'t start out gay? Only threads you guys don\'t fuck up are the ones that start gay anyway.\"Videoholic

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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2008, 11:10:48 AM »
I\'m game. Will pick it up on release day.

Offline Luke
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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2008, 12:07:27 PM »
Yeah, same here. You made it sound pretty good.

We should all play together.

Offline Joker
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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2008, 12:18:25 PM »
Yup, i\'ll post what servers i\'ll be on when it comes out.
Can\'t make a character for Order and Destruction on the same server so i\'ll be playing on two servers in the long run. But I don\'t know which side I want to play first :)
\"do we seriously have to shut down every thread that doesn\'t start out gay? Only threads you guys don\'t fuck up are the ones that start gay anyway.\"Videoholic

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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2008, 01:35:42 PM »
Here is an update from Mythic now that the servers have been taken back down. The preview weekend (which just past) was the first time the game was running with a very high population. Many others have been in closed beta but people like myself were only recently allowed access into the game. Here are some of the major bugs I forgot to mention (I told you i\'d oversell it!!)

What I dig about Mythic is that every press release i\'ve seen they are a very open company. They seem to have no problems saying "Yeah, we seriously messed up. Now here is what were doing to fix it."

I like this approach MUCH better than the typical response from MMO companies which is "Were looking into it, and information has been passed on to the dev team."

Anyways these are the major issues they are going to fix before release
this is from Mark Jacobs who is a producer of the game


Okay, it was a wild and crazy weekend in WAR and while some of you might be tempted to go all Samurai on us for a couple of the bugs, overall things went very, very well. As long-time readers of my notes now, I won’t do a Nick Winters and we are anything but pathological liars so we’ll always own up when we make a mistake and we made a couple here. So, let’s talk amongst ourselves and have a little chat about the top nine list of the biggest issues and where we stand in regards to them.

(1) Client Crashes – I’ve talked about this as one of the reasons why we didn’t release the NDA until recently. Here’s the current status.
- Just a little too many currently. While we are better off than we were in beta, we must do better still before release.
- A number of players will lower spec machines had more CTDs than higher spec machines.
- Number of fixes already in pipeline. They are working their way through our testing servers and will be pushed to the players once they have been vetted internally.
- Engineering time for CTD issue has remained heavily committed; our top engineers are working on the various issues.

(2) Monster Pathing and AI – Well, what can I say other than not even all of King Tut’s wealth could have made us feel better for messing up on this one. Well, maybe all his wealth.
- “Yes, that monster seems to be behaving a little oddly”. Monster responsiveness was very sketchy, odd pauses and tethering issues.
- “Oh, was I supposed to go in that direction?” Pathing sometimes wonky - mobs get stuck or go in wrong direction.
- Utter confusion at times as both monsters and pets will engage and disengage seemingly at random
- Internal server optimizations last week broke the pathing/AI. And I mean really, really broke it. This truly was a “Opps, we broke this code” moment for us and we don’t have many of them.
- Going to ensure that this problem is fixed this week. As I said in my first Preview Weekend, this is a major concern for us. Fortunately we have no underwater combat in this game or some of the NPCs may have been appropriately dubbed land sharks.

(3) Pet Responsiveness – With similar issues to Monster Pathing and AI, this was not our finest hour.
- Need to transfer "combat responsiveness" fixes to pets - have pet move immediately on button press.
- “Oh no, Mr. Bill!” Pets suffer from same pathing and lack of response as general monsters. Pets hopping around like they were headed to Del Staters.

(4) Global Cooldown Timers –This seems to be a hot topic for players to talk about. However, things aren’t always as they seem.
- Reality and perception are two different things, Warhammer has a GCD of 1.4s, WoW has 1.5s
- “Ability not ready” messaging needs to be improve, a sound effect if Global Cooldown in effect, maybe more cowbell?
- Need to improve on the feeling of sluggishness of the GCD and UI. Bug with display where our timer shows 2s when it is really 1.4
- The next best thing to a queue is? We will add in better "slop timer" to allow players 0.3s extra to pre-queue a second ability followup.

(5) Better animations
- So much more coming in the next two versions of the client. We are currently incorporating serious amounts of new animations into the game. Hopefully nobody will sneak a coneheads model into the game.
- Look at what my XXXX does now? Over the next month we will address many class-attack specific issues across all 20 careers.
- “U think you can dance?” Nope, but we have added new racial animations for movement, fidgets and redid some emotes.

(6) Texture Blurring
- Textures are currently cached in a manner that results in blurriness on entering a region.
- We will look at adding a client scalar.

(7) Client Performance – This is one of those issues
- Need better scalers on effects, sounds, graphics, etc to help lower end machines (already lots of additions to coders)
- This thing loves memory like Dan Aykroyd loves bass. We have already improved the memory consumption of the client and taken 100M out of current test best.

(8) Targeting, Camera, etc
- Currently our targeting system differs from many MMOs in terms of our features and how we go about things. We will identify and make a more standard initial setup but allow flexibility.
- Will add additional keybinding selections to allow flexibility

(9) Renown rank gear
- Unfortunately, a new bug (well an old bug we fixed and then managed to break again) which allowed Rank 10 RR 6 players can go to Tier 2 to get better gear and then come back to Tier 1 and own scenarios. We are currently working on a fix.

I hope you enjoyed the Preview Weekend and we thank you for your interest and we hope, patronage of our game.

Guess what folks, that’s the news and I am outta here!


Right off the bat I forgot to mention how bad the pathing was for all AI. Which goes to show how little time I spent fighting NPC\'s heh.

The NPC\'s would often stand still when you attacked them from range and wouldn\'t come after you. They\'d just chill there while you hurled fireballs at them. You had to get up into melee range to provoke an attack.

The AI and pathing for the pet classes was also almost completely useless. A lot of the time if you sent in your pet he wouldn\'t respond. Or he would stare at a mob for 10 seconds, run over into  a group of 3 enemies and then run to the mob you originally sent it after. Regardless I am very happy to see that it is one of their main concerns. It would be unacceptable to launch the game because 2 of their classes would be broken.

I\'m also glad to see they are looking into adding more animations. A lot of the time your animation just wouldn\'t work and you would deal damage but your guy didn\'t do a cool animation. He would just do the standard auto attack animation.

And if you guys are ever curious about anything in the game check out these boards
The boards run by Mythic are not up hit. Those boards are kind of the unofficial home of warhammer at the moment. Theres lots of info there on classes, gameplay, public quests, RvR etc etc etc..

Oh and also, problem number 9...I exploited frequently over the weekend. It was glorious.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 01:37:38 PM by Joker »
\"do we seriously have to shut down every thread that doesn\'t start out gay? Only threads you guys don\'t fuck up are the ones that start gay anyway.\"Videoholic

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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2008, 06:45:34 PM »
Yeah, post server info when it comes out. I\'m gonna pick it up on release date most likely.

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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2008, 05:56:36 AM »
I think it\'s fairly obvious we should all play Chaos.


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« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2008, 07:41:13 AM »
Chaos - Magus for me.
Count me in.

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Warhammer Online next month
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2008, 09:46:12 AM »
I\'m gonna go marauder or chosen.

this should work out nicely.

A couple of my friends here at work are going to get it and play with us also.


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