So coming from WoW, my question is... is it any good. I don\'t want to buy another AOC.
Also what classes are good as well? I like doing damage. I don\'t like to heal.
In terms 0f bugs and br0ken abilities, the launch 0f War d0esn\'t l00k anything like that 0f A0C. I can c0unt 0n 0ne hand the number 0f times i\'ve had a bug in the past 2 days and th0se were all graphical issues. In terms 0f c0mbat it is abs0lutly n0thing like A0C. N0thing ab0ut warhammer reminds me 0f A0C.
C0mbat is the more like W0W but with many features that make it stand apart. I\'ll write m0re up 0n it later when I get a new keyb0ard cause its really ann0ying typing like this. But it is fun and it will feel like s0mething familiar and s0mething fresh. PvP is fast paced and L0TS 0f fun, t0 me anyways. I have a blast. Public Quests as I said bef0re will be c0pied by MM0\'s in the future, n0 d0ubt ab0ut it. They are that awes0me.
Classes t0 l00k int0 f0r dealing DPS are
Witch Hunter - Witch Elf - R0gue - Squishy but high melee dps
White Li0n - Marauder - Fr0nt Line Melee - M0derate Melee DPS but higher arm0r - white li0n has a pet
Bright Wizard - S0rcerer - Magic DPS squishies
Engineer - Squig Herder - Ranged DPS - Squig Herder has a pet, Engi has a stati0nary turret
Shad0w Warri0r - Magus - Ranged DPS
0rder are listed 0f the left, Destructi0n 0n the right. Each side has a mirr0r class 0n the 0pp0sing facti0n.