Well, after logging some time in, I\'ll give my thoughts.
Presentation is great. You really get the feeling that there is a war going on.
The classes. I love the ORCS (wish I would of made one). Every class just looks plain cool.
The Quests are fun. The Public Quests are a blast, but repetive and I found myself just clicking over and over, maxing out my influence in that zone and being done with it.
The chat is broken.
The community so far sucks. No one talks. It\'s loses the feeling of an MMORPG without any chat.
The grind. You\'re almost forced to PVP along with quests, just to get decent XP. I\'m not a big PVP\'er and that hurts. You get a bad group when PVPing and your XP goes to crap real fast.
The graphics. For some reason, they just lack polish. Mainly the animations.
In conclusion, that\'s just a brief thought. I\'m still keeping my WoW subscription and going to continue leveling my Zorthi in WoW. I\'ll continue also playing Warhammer in hopes that patches and the community fix a lot of the issues. If it isn\'t improved upon quickly, it will stand no chance once WOTLK comes out.