What has Obama done clips?
Eik...listed some things,..i\'ve mentioned some a page back,..and i\'ve also stated,...that he hasn\'t really been in the senate that long, so his resume isn\'t going to be that long..and anything i list you will just disregard it just like you did with Eik\'s info.....but McCain has been part of washington & part of the republican congress for the past eight years....how can he defend the state of the economy plus state that he will do things differently when he was a part of it?...he can\'t,...but he obviously is convicing the sheep that are conservatives.
Abother point is that experience is overrated,...we have a prez with experience and look at the state the country is in...Obama has new ideas for country and a real plan to get the country out of debt and to bring the u.s. back to respectability in the world.....
And you republicans absolutely hate bush and are fear mongers...i\'m watching the RNC give a somewhat dedication to 911 & nowhere in the slide did they show bush overlooking the damage caused on that day, yet they showed guliani?.....911 was what will put a blueprint on bush\'s legacy, and yet the republicans did not show one pic of him at all...just shameful....and why show slides of 911 in the first place?...to show that if you vote for democrats, that another 911 will happen?...or that you\'re stronger on security of the country?....while the conservatives were lookin\' all pitiful lookin\' at that slide they should also know that we invaded a country that had nothing to do with 911,....pathetic...
Palin\'s very shallow and it was so obvious with her "crack the glass ceiling remark" as to why McCain picked her,...for hillary voters....again he picked her for all the wrong reasons...the RNC is over as well as the DNC....now let\'s get down to business.