when more and more money comes out of your paycheck every week for all these wonderful social programs that you don\'t qualify for, are you still going to be happy?
And you know this to be fact?...McCain is considering raising the social security payroll tax...meaning more money will be coming outta your paycheck for social security,..he also supports privatizing social security,..which is a bad move...and that is a fact..Obama as i\'ve stated before is taxing anybody over $250,000 & up and he\'s going to cut those tax breaks for the oil companies,..y\'know those guys that were poppin\' crystal & wine when they made the biggest profit in american history?....yeah those guys...
If Obama was white you wouldn\'t be seeing him rabidly defending the socialist and his grand plan of redistributing wealth. What programs of his do you support clips? Name them, if you can.
Wow, now i\'m basically a racist?...Giga, seriously i\'ve had those conversations with you when i was supporting bush in the last election, regardless of those afri. american get amnesia real quick when you want to try to get your faulty point across...:rolleyes:...obama wants to use the taxes from the richer folk towards renewable energy and other programs...when you name programs that McCain wants then i\'ll post Obama\'s...,i don\'t see a problem with obama taxing the rich when in fact they will barely even feel it...
I respected McCain for his service,...but i clearly don\'t respect his integrity and judgement for picking this chic....just really desperate & not thinking about a true replacement at the media they say people don\'t know Obama,,,even tho he\'s been campainging for 18 months, you mean to tell me that the american people will know this chic in a matter of two month\'s?...if i hear of all these glamorous reports of people stating they actually know this chic, in a matter of two months compared to obama\'s 18 months,...then there is clearly a racist slant against Obama...well there is anyway, but it will be even more clear.