I am aware that this story about McCain being unable to use a keyboard because of his vietnam torture injuries is circulating widely around the internet, but I have not found a reliable source that verifies it. If you have a reliable source, please post it and I would be happy to change my opinion on that subject. Until that point, I DON\'T BELIEVE IT.
If McCain\'s fingers were injured, don\'t you think he would have mentioned it at some point, instead of portraying himself as a proud luddite?
Yes, by all means reference "blogs". Don\'t believe it... I don\'t care.
"ABC\'s Jake Tapper: [T]yping on a regular keyboard for any sustained period of time bothers McCain physically.
He can type, he occasionally does type, but in general, the injuries he sustained as a POW – ones that make it impossible for him to raise his arms high enough to comb his hair – mean that small tasks make his shoulders ache, so he tries to avoid any repetitive exercise.
Again, it\'s not that he can\'t type, he just by habit, avoids when he can, repetitive exercise involving his arms. He does if he has to, as with handshaking or autographs."
That is from the beloved liberal factcheck.org.
The ad sucks get over it. Did Bill Clinton use a PC? Nope. Does that impair their judgement? Nope.