could dallas play so good AALLL game long to let those losers come back on us? It comes down to play calling,..dallas play to the level of the other team which ALWAYS keeps the other team in the game...again dallas has too much talent on the field to be getting 4 or 5 yards a play. Stretch out that defense and throw the ball downfield. Romo played like garbage yesterday...the defense really saved his ass.
How is it that dallas can march down the field before halftime and score? because they were throwing the ball downfield,..then when they get a lead,..they\'ll do a predictable handoff or a 4 yard have to keep that defense off balance and challenge those cb\'s....and dallas doesn\'t perform well under pressure....owens has a right to be upset,..the playcalling from garret is garbage,...all of those weapons on the field you should be putting up some big points....meh congrats gman it was a hard fought game but the steelers deserved the win..:thumb:
Oh and the bible it stated that jesus has hair like he probably looked something like this.-------->...:fro: