That is the way the Republican party programmed people to understand it. The real world results have never borne this out. Trickle down does not work.
When you give money to the poor & middle class, they spend it, which boosts the economy.
When you give money to the rich, they hoard it.
That\'s the reality.
Taxes aren\'t too much. Shit, my wife and I only paid 12% last year.
If poor people want to make more money they should get better jobs.
You do realize that by obama whacking the rich, they can\'t pay their employees as much and they will more than likely lose more than the 1200 they are going to make from the tax cuts.
The way Obama is taxing the rich is in a way that they won\'t barely feel it....why give huge tax breaks to those companies that really don\'t need them?....companies with those huge tax breaks STILL send jobs overseas to let countries like india replace american jobs(I.T.) with their own people, just so that they don\'t have to pay that american worker what is considered fair pay in the states.....then they even turn around and lay-people off after that, even tho the company\'s economy is healthy &\'s just greed.
I agree with what you state regarding poor folks, but sometimes it\'s just not as easy as that. I admit that my story is a bit of a rag to riches type scenario, but i also had parents that guided me in my early years, and when i was living on my own in the projects...i just knew i wanted more for myself and my family. And while i do like to see all poor folks lift themselves up, the fact remains that some are pretty complacent(spel) where they are,..and there truly is no hope for those folks.
I think for those folks that are on welfare etc, there should be some sort of education or job-first program to get these folks off the couch and just stop wasting time depending on that gov\'t check. I do think that there should be a time limit for people to be on welfare....i remember jersey had a program like that...i think that if you needed welfare the state only gave you support for a year, but after that that check would stop....i\'m not sure if they still have that program, but even if the person found a somewhat low-paying job, the gov\'t would regulate their rent to reflect what he or she was making from their even if they did have low-paying job there was still opportunities for them to improve their income & to take advantage of those gov\'t programs to get them off of welfare.