John McCon is going down so hard now... :applause: Giga, you love pointing out any minor way that Obama is tied into this deregulation bullshit but you can\'t. I mean, Phil Gramm was the architect behind rolling back the Glass-Stiegel act... oh shit, what\'s that you say!? Gramm is McCain\'s economic advisor for his campaign and will probably be the treasury secretary if McCain wins?
Hey Johnny, how\'s that deregulation thing going? Dumbass....
Also, Gramm is Vice Chairman of UBS... a foreign Investment Bank that is getting bailed out with the rest of the U.S. Banks / Investment firms. Gramm is also a lobbyist for UBS... wonder who did the lobbying to get UBS in on this bailout? I sure as shit don\'t want my money going into bailing out a foreign bank that has scary close ties with the Republican Presidential candidate.
Spin your boy out of this one Giga :thumb:
That is funny because 0bama has Franklin Raines as an advisor - ex CEO of Fannie Mae. Also McCain loves to talk about opposing Regulation, but in all actuality he has been more for regulation than against it.
"Senator Obama talks a tough game on the financial markets but the facts tell a different story. He took more money from Fannie and Freddie than any Senator but the Democratic chairman of the committee that regulates them.
He put Fannie Mae’s CEO who helped create this disaster in charge of finding his Vice President. Fannie’s former General Counsel is a senior advisor to his campaign. Whose side do you think he is on? When I pushed legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Senator Obama was silent. He didn’t lift a hand to avert this crisis. While the leaders of Fannie and Freddie were lining the pockets of his campaign, they were sowing the seeds of the financial crisis we see today and enriching themselves with millions of dollars in payments. That’s not change, that’s what’s broken in Washington.
Those same Congressional leaders who give Senator Obama his marching orders are now saying that this mess isn’t their fault and they aren’t going to take any action on this crisis until after the election. Senator Obama’s own advisers are saying that crisis will benefit him politically. My friends, that is the kind of me-first, country-second politics that are broken in Washington."
"Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), chairman of the Senate banking committee, collected the most from the employees and PACs of both mortgage buyers at $133,900.
Democrat Barack Obama collected the most from individuals associated with Fannie Mae at $101,150 and a total of $122,850 from both companies, putting him behind Dodd."
Obama\'s opponent in the presidential election, John McCain, has received only $21,300 from both since 1989 = Change you can count on.
Democrat Barack Obama collected the most from individuals associated with Fannie Mae at $101,150 and a total of $122,850 from both companies = Change you really can\'t count on.