The zero got his ass handed to him. Showed how inexperienced he is. I especially loved the uhhhh.. uhhh.. uhh\'s. 0bama was frequently rattled and looked angry at times. Not to mention the spittle on his lower lip at one point. :lmao: John McCain was giving him economics and history lessons. It was great, especially when 0bama kept trying to interrupt.
Linking cnn after 0bama\'s campaign "endorsed" the network for debate coverage and then saying that is how "most folks" feel about the debate is laughable and shows how uneducated you are about the whole election.
Monkey boy lost. He is wrong about the economy and foreign affairs. He was wrong about Henry Kissenger\'s comments and Kissenger has since commented that Obozo was wrong.
Keep reachin\'... Obama mopped the floor with McCain on the economics front every step of the way,...all McCain did was try to joke his way out in certain parts in which he recieved no pop at all,...Obama countered everything McCain stated and looked directly at McCain while saying it..
..not once did McCain look over at him,...Obama also explained his views in a more detailed and articulated way than McCain. McCain\'s answers were drab & flat.
On foreign policy?...McCain shows he has knowledge, but this was his strength anyway, but in no way did he blow Obama away on foreign policy..Obama stood his ground, and gave clear reasons why the war in iraq was wrong in the first place, and he even flustered McCain by saying he wouldn\'t meet with spains president....why?..this goes back to spain pulling out of iraq, when the u.s. didn\'t really want them to, and recently McCain even called them adversaries? but yet they are fighting side-by-side with our troops in afghanastan, and you say he\'s going to heal the wounds set by Bush? are truly delusional....he has the same arrogant attitude as bush and country\'s all over the world will continue to look at the u.s. in a bad light if he is president.
McCain held a townhouse meeting awhile back during the georgia/russia scenario and in saying that "we are all georgians"...he even made indications that he would engage russia if the situation continued(militarily), negotiations at all...he\'s just like bush in that aspect,...and that is the same kind of rhetoric that has gotten us into the misguided war that is iraq....McCains twisted philosophies are the kind that are not needed for america.