How could our lives get even worse if he offers no change? He\'d have to change some things to be worse, no?
When you don\'t fix things, they tend to get worse.
Did Dick Cheney tell you that? The VP spot is not exactly window dressing.
I am confident she could do the job, yes, seeing as how she has several years of EXECUTIVE experience. How many does Biden have? Or Obama? Even McCain for that matter? She\'s just as qualified as the rest of them.
Let me also make one thing clear. Whether you like it or not, Obama approved legislation that directly led to the economic crisis we live in. Obama believed that "everyone" has a right to own a home. It\'s a nice thought but not feasible. So his idea was to force banks to issue "subprime mortgages" so that people could live beyond their means. So your typical low-income family who can barely afford their current standard of living is now suddenly being approved for mortgages in excess of 300,000 dollars. Obama didn\'t think it was "fair" (a term used by Biden on several occasions last night) that people with bad credit weren\'t allowed to own a home. Well gee, lets issue disgustingly large amounts of money to people with bad credit. Is that the "Change" you can believe in?
Don\'t believe me? Google "Community Reinvestment Act". He didn\'t author the bill, that honor goes to Jimmy Carter, but he damn sure supports it, and fought against changes that GWB wanted to make in 2005 to make it tougher to get loans.
In fact, he sued CitiBank to force it to make bad loans. And to sweeten the pot, one of Obama\'s financial advisers is the former CEO of Fannie Mae. Wonderful.
Speaking of Fannie Mae, that wonderful government sponsored program, they went on a man-hunt to issue subprime mortgages to low-income families and then sold them to banks. What did Fannie care, they were making money...
Now just in case you try to play the "Banks weren\'t forced" card, they were. There was a penalty for those banks who didn\'t hit their quota of subprime mortgages. The fact of the matter is this, people with no money should not be buying houses, Obama feels they are entitled to one. Eventually the subprime mortgage market broke, and there were no more buyers, and yet a lot of bad debt floating around. In a sense, Fannie Mae\'s guarantees of backing these mortgages was "worthless(chuckle)".
Guess what? It gets even better! The Bush administration (while not my favorite to say the least) actually tried to stop Fannie Mae and oversee everything they were doing. But someone stopped it.... who? The Democrats. Remember Barney Frank? Melvin Watt? You know who else tried to stop it? In 2005? John McCain (again, not my favorite person, but trying to prove a point).
Think that\'s a bunch of crap? Google "The Housing Enterprise Regulatory Act of 2005". Oh boy! This is fun. Another fun little tidbit, one of Obama\'s advisors is Franklin Raines, I\'ll let you find out who that is...
Obama did get his wish in the end though. Lots of "affordable mortgages". Oh and his friends got richer too. Guess that\'s all that really matters in the end though. But hey, he\'s charismatic and he\'s black, so people feel bad not liking him. The best villains in this world are the ones who think their right. The democratic spin doctors did a masterful job having McCain take the fall on this one. I truly feel that McCain is waiting for one of the last debates to unleash this information to the mass audiences so that Obama will have no time to retaliate.
Sorry if the truth hurts guys. Obama is not the man you think he is. Thanks for playing though.