The politics of these countries have always been corrupted and violent....this guy is Obama\'s distant cousin according to this clip, and again Obama is NOT responsible for what this guy does in his country, those folks protest violently over there on the reg, this is not news....
You guys act like if he becomes prez, he\'s going to flip it, and just turn into a radical muslim or enforce radical beliefs....people do not care about this....just in how people did not care that clinton got his knob waxed, as long as he was doing a good as prez, people could care less, was the conservatives that were actually tryin\' to get him impeached.
And before somebody says "obama isn\'t the prez",...i know...but he\'s doing a pretty fine job of convincing folks that he will be a president that actually cares about their conserns...have you guys seen the polls lately?....most folks care about the economy at the moment and not this national enquirer/globe newspaper type garbage....:rolleyes: