...the intelligence level of those folks are beyond scary....at least the younger generation of folks (both black & white) are more tolerable of race than these older white folks...these folks still have that ignorant mindset of the 50\'s & 60\'s.
Ain\'t that the truth. From my experienced, I encounter some older racist white people than younger generations. Not saying I don\'t met nice old white people, but the percentage of old white people with a grudge is higher than younger generation.
A school that I used to went to, of all the 5 teachers I had in different subjects. Only one teacher is really nice and not racist, while 2 is somewhat nice and seemed to have a slight grudge, while the remaining 2 have higher grudge. Especially the last 1 of the 2 with the higher grudge. In comparison, the students I had in all 5 classes, there are like 30 students in each classes, and I haven\'t met a single student that have a grudge with me because of my race. They are either nice or neutral to me because they don\'t know me.
Well, maybe except a student who is middle eastern, he said he\'s Egyptian. I treated him with respect and I never insulted him, but he being a jerk about it called me names, and made fun of my race. So, I got a upset and called him name back. That doesn\'t bother me as much as the last teacher with the highest grudge because this student did it straight out instead of from behind. Thinking about it, I don\'t think this middle eastern or Egyptian descent student is racist, he\'s just half joking while in comparison, a teacher with the highest grudge is semi-racist, and too superficial and power hungry but acted like he\'s holy, and pretended to be a scapegoat, and acted nice to me in front of the classroom.
I remember one time he said something like this, "Believe in god. He\'s right in front of you." I can\'t remember words for words, but anyway, that time I was thinking did he considers himself a god or something? weird. But he didn\'t said straight out that he believes he\'s a god, but he was playing with words.
But honestly, I need to be clearer that whenever I don\'t have sinus pain, the memories don\'t come back and haunt me and put me in misery. I wish I don\'t have sinus pain so I don\'t have to suffer anymore, not just the pain alone but the memories of what happened back then that traumatized me whenever I had sinus pain.