I guess we\'re talking mainly about weapons selection, not armor. You don\'t need to carry a selection of armor, just one good set. Make sure it\'s a set you can repair using armor salvaged from the dead. I mainly use the Reilly\'s Rangers battle armor. It\'s pretty good, and you can repair every time you kill a Talon Company Merc. I love killing Talon Mercs.
I realized that I didn\'t need all the weapons I was dragging around, so I left many behind in my house in Megaton. Eventually you don\'t need caps, so there\'s no point picking up weapons to sell. Here are the things I use regularly:
Hunting Rifle
Chinese Assault Rifle
Plasma Rifle (the special one from the android)
Dart Gun
Terrible Shotgun (another one from a side quest)
Sniper Rifle and/or Scoped .44 Magnum
With those, you can do it all. Ignore the minigun, rocket launcher, flamethrower, all pistols, all laser weapons, etc etc. I heard Biwwy\'s Wazer Wifle is supposed to be good, but I didn\'t bother to find out.
Oh yeah build lots and lots of Nuka Grenades. Those are extremely useful.