Y\'know big companies and rich folks are going to end up paying higher taxes under Obama\'s plan, never mind the fact that he\'s rolling the tax code back to the clinton years,..so they are not even going to take that much of a hit, and these people are complaining that he\'s punishing success or he\'s stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
But look at what happened on wall st. and the economy before Obama plan was even revealed...Obama\'s policy wasn\'t even implemented and the economy has imploded on itself without this theme of the well off folks bein\' taxed...greed of the weathly is what led to this financial meltdown...and look at who has to bail out these rich folks or else the economy crashes.....yep the middle class..the poor folks, the tax payers that some in here are incredibly against them getting a tax break under Obama\'s plan.
That\'s silly isn\'t it?...and even after the rich have robbed from the poor, these big companies(AIG) have the nerve to take a portion of the bailout money and go on a $400,000 luxury binge at our expense,...but then everybody is pissin\' a bitch when Obama wants to give a little back to the same folks that bailed out these weathly unresponsibile individuals....pathetic...Obama\'s plan makes complete sense. Tax those a##holes and keep them honest.