According to Kennedy they don\'t deserve any support or help because 1. they are necessary to fulfil the needs of the upper class 2. they\'ve earned the right to be miserable.
And that\'s so socialist.
Congratulations, Obama wanted to create class warfare and he\'s done it. He\'s instilled resentment towards the wealthy.
1. You believe in wealth redistribution, that\'s socialism.
2. If your miserable, get a better job. If you don\'t have the skills, go to school.
I am a hardworking individual who is entitled to his earnings. Everyone is entitled to the earnings their job provides, and if you don\'t like it change jobs. Don\'t give me garbage about it being too hard or unreasonable. I made a lot of sacrifices to get where I\'m at, but you think I should be paying for tax credits for people who didn\'t earn it.
We as Americans can\'t fix every problem. There will always be people at the bottom.
It sounds unsympathetic, but socialism has been tried before, and it failed.