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Author Topic: Dear Mr. Obama,  (Read 810 times)

Offline Mr. Kennedy
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Dear Mr. Obama,
« on: October 31, 2008, 04:53:14 AM »

"Dear Mr. Obama," he says, and describes himself as an Iraq war veteran, whose yearlong tour convinced him that Iraqis are "just like us" in seeking freedom.

"Are they better off today than they were in 2002? You bet," he says.

Not everyone in the world has your cynical view of the war in Iraq.

Again, I am not fan of the war personally, but I respect the service of our men and women overseas, and I don\'t call it a mistake.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2008, 04:55:39 AM by Mr. Kennedy »
\"In the last 12 months 100,000 private sector jobs have been lost and yet you\'ve created 30,000 public sector jobs. Prime Minister, you cannot carry on forever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecidented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.\" - Daniel Hannan

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Dear Mr. Obama,
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 07:03:27 AM »
Sorry, I fell asleep reading that post.

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Dear Mr. Obama,
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2008, 08:49:52 AM »
Again, I am not fan of the war personally, but I respect the service of our men and women overseas, and I don\'t call it a mistake.

Geez, the iraqi\'s want freedom?...ok let\'s go throw out other dictators that are unlawfully suppressing their people,...let\'s just police the whole world,....let\'s go handle some of those countries in africa that are practicing genocide....you say we won\'t do that?..of course not, we have no special interest in those countries so why do it?

..hey i respect the folks in the military, but this war was wrong from the jump, no matter what their military leaders and the president have told them...to think we invaded iraq just to save some folks from a ruthless leader is beyond laughable.....yep after the f**k up of not actually finding wmd\'s, let\'s just brainwash the soldiers and the american public into thinking that we\'re now liberating the iraqi\'s...:rolleyes:
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Dear Mr. Obama,
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2008, 10:07:29 AM »
What\'s done is done, is my opinion. We did some good over there, so good for us. But let\'s get the hell home and stop wasting so much cash now.
The troops are not the issue for me. They did an insanely brave thing for all these years, God bless \'em. But politically, I\'d like to see that cash used over here. After all, the rich people need reasons not to pay higher taxes, so let\'s give \'em one.
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Dear Mr. Obama,
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2008, 12:18:12 PM »
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

I found this video much more interesting than that article
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