Well all, it has been a fun, crazy seven years here, but it is time to move on. No better time than the present.
I have had many laughs, quite a few arguments and some good memories. I have no hard feelings or ill will towards anyone. I wish you all good luck in your lives and maybe I will drop in sometime and lurk, but as far as my posting goes - I am done.
EDIT: wow time flies - seven years.
Your seriously leaving because McCain lost?
How do you think Democrats felt the past eight years. Yes, I know the dummies now have total control, but if Obama fucks things up people will turn on him like they did Jimmy Carter.
Relax, yes, I know this sucks as a Republican, but now you get to poke fun at the president.
I\'m as pissed as anyone but I\'m not jumping off a cliff. If Obama\'s promises hold true, then I\'ll be better off and I\'ll owe a lot of people some apologies. If he turns out to be a fraud, a lot of people will get the "I told you so" treatment from me.