Sure thing! I\'m sorry for sucking so much ass the other day....I could cite many reasons why, but I think just plain old "suck" is at the top of the list.
See you then!
we were great together, we won everything, every match, and we were close to finish 3 consecutive co-op maps at crashing, but the connection errors stopped us to make a record
"only" 2 consecutive.
Survival, plunder, and the new mode, we won so easy everything, really a nice team :thumb:
The only thing we have still to achive is winning the 3 consecutive co-op maps at crashing like I said above
ps: did you win the "crashing trophy" ?
we already did it together but before the throphy was available. Me yes, and you too I think, with our last matches.
This Sat I\'m coming back to Tirana, back to my job, see you then my friend.