So I recently bought the God of War collection to see if this game would be worth buying.....I just don\'t get all the hype around this series. I fought against the same 5 varying types of monsters (minotaurs, bat-things, gorgons, zombies and cyclops) throughout the ENTIRE game. I thought I might see the end of the minotaurs after the minotaur boss, but nope, I was wrong. They were still going strong. Then I get thrown into hades.......and theres f\'n flaming minotaurs!
But its okay......thats just the first game......the second will be better. Not too long into the game its back to the god damn minotaurs. Granted I\'m still early into it, it seems like its going to be the same game. Smash square square square square, triangle, triangle, maybe throw in an L2 and a circle. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, until my thumb feels like its going to fall off.
And then throw in a lame and weak story that came second to trying to make the game look cool.
I don\'t now....maybe this type of game just isn\'t for me.