Yes, the cinema scenes were long and numerous and at times boring, but if we\'re talking exclusively about gameplay it was outstanding.
Sony has a lot of fixing to do, but they\'re not going away. They are not going to "SEGA" their hardware.
Symptoms of a company going in the shitter include: releasing ridiculous peripherals to extend the life of your console (32x/Sega CD), changing the release date of a system so that you can beat another to the market and in effect alienating all of your third party developers (Saturn), releasing another console shortly thereafter to compensate for your mistakes (Dreamcast).
Yes, I know I\'m bashing Sega, but it was to illustrate a point that although sales aren\'t great Sony is not diverging from its original business plan. They are not making drastic changes to try and fix things. It\'s called riding the wave, and they\'re doing it.