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Author Topic: Your favorite games that never got sequels... and probably never will :(  (Read 2843 times)

Offline juslight
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Your favorite games that never got sequels... and probably never will :(
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2009, 08:06:28 PM »
Yes, I bought the sega genesis, the sega cd, and the 32x.  Just Getting all 3 parts to work at the same time was a game in its self.  They each had their own external power plug. Plus, the 32x games\' onscreen graphics were processed half by the genesis and half by the 32x, so if you didn\'t have it plugged in right, you would be missing some of the graphics.

But it sure was fun.

Offline Paul2

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Your favorite games that never got sequels... and probably never will :(
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2009, 09:29:14 PM »
sound like a hassle to connect each power plug.  Still a gimmick and expensive to me.  But its cool if you are having fun playing games on it.

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Your favorite games that never got sequels... and probably never will :(
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2009, 11:48:45 PM »
I feel the Sega CD and 32x were good experiments and did give insight into what the next generation was going to be.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Your favorite games that never got sequels... and probably never will :(
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2009, 04:02:34 AM »
I may sound kinda dumb but when I was younger, I played this game called Syndicate Wars. I really liked it but they never made a sequel to it. I would have always liked to see a new one of that.

You\'re a dickhead.

Syndicate Wars was the sequal to the superior Syndicate.

Syndicate Wars was such a disappointment. It honestly felt like half of a game. Could have been so good if they fleshed it out, particularly with all the researching from the original game.

Offline Mr. Kennedy
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Your favorite games that never got sequels... and probably never will :(
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2009, 05:33:50 AM »
Now I feel compelled to play them both.
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