But does those 4 to 5 hours of homework per day help you in real-life or when tests come?
What about time for yourself to relax like listening to music? internet? tv? videogames? hang out with friends, relatives, or families?
I went to Adult School to make up 3 remaining credits last year, and I think it would have been better if they have 10 - 15 minutes break in between the 3 hours of class time. But they don\'t have that, and I got tired sitting there doing classwork from reading and doing paperwork for 3 hours. There are a couple of time where I actually gotten sick and felt like vomiting.
It would have been better if they let us out for fresh air and break for about 10 minutes on each 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes of classwork. Maybe they didn\'t thought about it and no students make a suggestion about it.
I remember back in my senior year in Math class, I thought the amount of math questions required by the a teacher to do were a bit redudant. Like instead of doing about 30 questions the teacher requested, it could have been cut in half and do 15 instead. Like do the odd or even of the questions only. Because say like 1 - 6 are the same math problems, instead of doing all 6 questions, do the even only like 2, 4, and 6 of the same problems will cut back in half instead of doing all 6 questions which is redundant and unnecessary. Because the student knows how to solve the problem, doing all 6 is tiresome and waste of time. Then say 7 - 12 have the same math problems too, doing either the odd or even will be better. same with say like 13 - 20, 21 - 30 etc...
I remember my junior year were like that with my previous math teacher of a different school where she made us do only the odd or even only because she knows it\'s unnecessary. And I got mostly As and some Bs on the tests with doing half the questions on the homework.
I was afraid to ask my 2nd semester math teacher of my senior year if we could do only half problems because i don\'t like telling people what to do. But thinking thoroughly, it\'s us that do the homework. Not her. Its should be okay to ask as a suggestion. The interesting thing is, she only gives out the answers only the even problems for the class to grade. Maybe she knows its unnecessary to answer all 30 problems.