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We\'re proud of you for pirating a version of a film not even complete.Congratulations to you, bud.Close thread, now.
Even if he did pirate it (not saying he did), who the fuck cares?...What are you? Hollywood\'s personal police officer?
I\'m hoping they won\'t gimp Deadpool, give him a mask and let him break the fourth wall and I\'m happy.
You have no fucking clue how I even seen the damn film. I guess because you\'re so damn closed minded you would say some BS like that. Why the fuck would I be pirating films? What a dumb ass.
Shut the fuck up, if you legally saw the movie before the release you wouldn\'t be posting it on this site because your ass would be getting sued. So quiet down, admit you pirated the movie and quit playing the "how dare you" card.
Well he did register a few months before you, so he\'s got you beat there LiC I\'ll see it when it comes out, I\'m hoping they won\'t gimp Deadpool, give him a mask and let him break the fourth wall and I\'m happy.
I like the fact that not even a week after it leaks, he has seen the film, but yeah, he didn\'t pirate it!:thumb: