I fucking hate this group so damn much.
THEY picked the nintendo wii out of a bunch of random companies..i didnt give a fuck what comapny it was since a project is a project. The problem is that none fo them know shit about the industry...so any idea i have, I get no feedback because theyre a bunch of dumbfucks that cant do a little research before meeting. I dont blame them for not knowing about ps3/wii/360, but do some fucking looking up
the projects about the future of the company..so what did these brainiacs do? they used a group members marketing paper about the wii from a year and a half ago and it was a about the present of the company....back then.
I repeated more than 4 times that they need to focus on the future and come up with ideas/solutions...nothing. So when 1 out of 5 is the only one that knows whats right and wrong, the 4 out of 5 win and they end up spending forever "updating" the marketing paper so its about the present..so we were stuck with a 10 page paper about the present of the company, which were supposed to have a 5 page paper about the future
so i decided, fuck them, and wrote a 4 page paper about the future and making them use that. I kept a page of their shit as an intro just to say i kept their stuff in tact
Still have to make the paper look nice with graphs and do a powerpoint on top of a bunch of work in all my other classes
bunch of fucking queefs
not expecting anyone to read this..just need to vent before i flip out on the group. Wouldnt mind telling them whats on my mind if we didnt have to do a presentation on this stuff...after that im not saying shit to them