That means what exactly?
That has nothing to do with the potential of H1N1.
Go ahead and quote some statistic that says reg. flu kills 36k+ a year.
You know what, you want to worry about every single thing that could potentially kill you, go for it, but the fact is, this round of H1N1 is not a legitimate threat of being a pandemic. Even if it was, what are you going to do differently than you do now? The last time we had a legit swine flu scare that did serious damage was in 1918, every other instance since has been contained.
People here are becoming OCD with washing their hands and buying as much anti-bacteria everything they can get their grubby hands on. I hear whispered conversations about super-viruses that can withstand everything, and all around friggen mass-hysteria over something that has killed ONE person in the United States. Its just ridiculous.
And yes, I live in Austin, TX