waterboarding is a minor one...cant believe your arguement is to downplay torture. you have to imagine they do more than stuff from a list on wikipedia
I\'m actually really torn on this issue. Torture is horrible, especially when you run the risk of torturing someone innocent (im sure they pick the ones theyre for sure are connected with al qaeda er whoever but there\'s still a chance). But at the same time, if it is the person you need information from that is part of the terrorist extremist cause 1) i dont regret anything about them going through the process and 2) you can get information that could save lives.
So yea..i dont know what side of the fence im on...
This is how i feel....both Obama & Cheney had a sort of head to head yesterday and i can honestly say that i see what BOTH sides are saying....Obama wants to do things by the book and not torture anybody and feel that conventional methods will work, while cheney feels that torture should be used on terrorists, especially the high ranking ones at any moment.
Now if i had to truly be honest here....i\'d say Obama is kinda on the losing stick on this one. After 9/11 i\'m sure nobody would\'ve opposed the use of torture to those that caused that horriofic event on that day. I still don\'t think it\'s wrong to torture these idiots that wouldn\'t think twice about attacking or killing an american on the spot....terrorists do not play by the rules, so i say it\'s open season on them...f**k\'em.
As i\'ve stated before, i think Obama was ill-advised on releasing the classified reports on torture...why even show that at all? If he didn\'t agree with the process, he could\'ve just left that in the past and continued forward with his own policies without tryin\' to gain political points by releasing the report.
He also has a problem with guatatamo bay prison(spell)....he wants to close the prison, but nobody wants to take the prisoners, he then goes on to say in his speech that the prisoners can stay here. Idk....he states the prison is causing more terrorists to gather and re-group and is making us less safe by keeping it open, but i disagree..the terrorists were mad at america looong before the prison ever existed.
And Pelosi?...uggh....it\'s not a good look to be saying that the CIA lied to you regarding the briefing they gave you on the torture methods being used. Why would they have to lie about that? What could they possibly gain?..she looks like a f**kin\' idiot, just admit that you knew about it and keep it movin\'...oh she can\'t because she was one of the folks talkin\' about criminal charges for those that commited or knew of the torture methods being applied to those prisoners..pathetic.
I\'m an Obama supporter, but he kinda slipped on this one...granted the prison situation wasn\'t created by him, but bringing those terrorists possibly to the u.s. is a wrong move,..most likely they would end up serving life sentences and the american tax payer would end up footin\' the bill....and if that is indeed the case, he should just let those that are GULITY rot in that prison forever.