Marriage is a religious institution. ... Us conservatives don\'t care if they are "united" and receive the same legal benefits married couples do, but we are opposed to granting it the title of marriage.
Hey, if scientology gets to be a religion, then the idea that any religious institution is sacred or unchangeable is thrown out the window anyway. I could start up a new religion tomorrow that says straights can\'t be married, because our new god says so, and only gays can.
Besides, marriage
isn\'t a religious institution. You can be legally married by a judge with nary a priest in sight. Look at some of these definitions:
1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
2.the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock:
a happy marriage. 3.the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities:
to officiate at a marriage. 4.a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction:
trial marriage; homosexual marriage.
5.any close or intimate association or union:
the marriage of words and music in a hit song. 6.a formal agreement between two companies or enterprises to combine operations, resources, etc., for mutual benefit; merger.
7.a blending or matching of different elements or components:
The new lipstick is a beautiful marriage of fragrance and texture. Seriously, I can marry
fragrance and
texture. That\'s not religious in any sense of the word, nor does it have to do with men or women, straights or gays. Marriage is what we want it to be, and it\'s time for us to ... well, edit definition 4, basically.