While what luckee stated might be seen as offensive, he actually speaks the truth. White folks have honestly had it better than any other ethnic group in america for the last gazillion years...back in the day even the poorest of white folks were treated better than blacks...seriously, black folks were considered less than animals back then.
Today tho, middleclass blacks and whites are moreso on the same level as far as sharing the same type of shared struggles. I always hear people say blacks and minorities have grants that white folks can\'t get. I must\'ve missed the bus on that one,...i\'ve told my story plenty of times of how i grew up in the projects of newark,nj..after high school, i went to a technical IT school, then saved up and moved out to slightly upper middleclass piscataway,nj and then finally purchasing a brand new home in georgia....all by myself WITHOUT gov\'t assisted programs.....not saying that they don\'t exist, but i don\'t think it makes an impact on white folks to the point to where white folks can\'t get a job or assistance for higher education.
Now also in luckee\'s defense, he also states "many" and "some"....he did not say "all white males". After saying all of this, i do feel we have made some great strides as far as race relations are concerned...is there still racial inequality in america?....sure is, but there\'s no denying that race relations have improved for the better in this country,.... just look at the last election....Obama could not have won the election if not for white folks looking past the color barrier and judging him on his merits and on what he wanted to do for the country.
The shock has fallen off some for me, but sometimes when i sit back and think about it...it\'s still hard to believe i would live to see america elect it\'s first black prez...whether or not obama turns out to be a great prez, i think his winning the presidency is a symbol of just how far america has come....and that is something every american....black or white, latino or asian, democrat or republican should be proud of.