My many family members all have Verizon, so there will be no iphone in my near future. I do have a 16GB ipod touch, and I love it.
I can\'t really answer your original question about offline maps since I\'ve never attempted offline mappage, but if you\'re in a large enough city with free/unsecured wifi, it does triangulate your position pretty accurately.
If you go to, you\'ll see that the ipod touch is due/overdue for an upgrade, so if you can wait a month or three to buy one, you probably should.
Overall, the ipod touch is one of the coolest gadgets I\'ve owned, and is 2nd in usefullness only to my gps.
Oh, one more thing, ipod touch web browser doesn\'t support flash, so hulu is not a least not with the current ipod touch. I was a little disappointed about that, but I\'m not a big online-tv watcher, so it\'s not a big deal.