well i was right, lisa wasn\'t there. I got the tiles from her mum and explained how i felt about the whole thing. That i wanted a face to face with lisa. Lisa\'s mum explained to me that lsia wasn\'t interested in this relationship and I asked her why she never told me she had a problem before the breakup and she simply said lisa is just like that. So basically for 10 years, lisa has done whatever i\'ve asked without questioning it or voicing a opinion.
bullshit Its just another lie, i got no idea what happened but the truth still hasn\'t been told. I made mistakes but none of them that were enough to cause a breakup like this. Without warning, without discussion about problems she was having. nothing!! She\'s planning a trip overseas or so her mum tells me. Which was strange because i remember a long time ago asking lisa if we were to split up what whould she do, and she said she\'d go to europe.
I guess thats what she\'s doing, running from this problem instead of facing it. Shes taken the cowards way out. No communication, no attempt at resolving any issues, just cut all ties with all our mutural friends and me. Her mum said to me, "you know what lisa\'s like" well, if i knew what lisa was like this wouldn\'t have happened. Clearly i didn\'t know lisa at all. She was a time bomb waiting to go off and she did.
Infact, she told a friend of ours who was thinking of breaking it off with her partner, don\'t. Talk it out. Yep lisa, you REALLY followed your own advice.
How fucken hard is it to communicate to your partner that something is pissing u off about them or what they\'re saying / doing etc. Surely it couldn\'t be that hard. I said to lisa\'s mum i\'ve learnt lessons from this, explained to her what happened with me. Then i asked her has lisa learnt anything from this. Is she just gonna do the same thing to her next bf. Keep it all bottled up till she explodes.. Her response was, "Thats a lesson lisa will just have to learn"
Ohh well, i guess i did dodge a bullet. If lisa doesn\'t have the guts to call me, she hasn\'t changed at all.
To go from my best friend / lover to a total stranger within months. Her mum even said we could still be friends after we\'re both over this. I turned around and said if lisa and I are over. We\'re OVER! no friendship, no nothing. I don\'t want anything to do with lisa once all the house shit is resolved.
10 years and lisa now only realises who i am? what a load of crap, her mum said lisa felt she couldn\'t live with me, ehh she lived just fine with me for 2 years in 1 bedroom. I personally think lisa wanted this house, when i was ready we started building it and she got cold feet and is running as far as she can from me. Its the commitment she\'s afraid off. She probably still has some feelings for me is why she\'s been so distant and only doing things through emails. Some other mates think she\'s cheated on me (one night stand) and feels guilty for it. Who knows, i don\'t believe that myself but the way she\'s been acting i have no idea. I was in-love with a child. I sure picked a winner!
Well my lessons learnt list.
- if someone talks shit about u, even if they\'re your best mate, tell them to fuck off and if your working with them, report it to your bosses.
- run from emotional blackmail of any kind (first time now that i remember was, she intruduced me to a chick named sarah, i was talking to sarah and lisa ran out of my house crying, of course i chased after her asking her what was wrong, told her we were just talking why are u getting upset etc, 2nd time was the whole "if u don\'t come over you don\'t love me thing", 3rd time was her aunts driveway saying she didn\'t love me, when i got upset she was like ohh, u do love me and everything was normal again)
- if a chick needs constant reinforcemnt that i love her even though i tell her EVERYDAY, leave relationship
- If the chick doesn\'t get shitty at you when she should be, or is always trying to make you happy. Fuck her off, she\'ll end up resenting you for it and just snap. (which is basically what lisa did)
- look at the mother, if she\'s done a runner on the father, the daughter will probably follow suit and most likely will end up just like the mother.
- look at the family. Even if they\'re together all the time, doesn\'t mean they\'re a fuctional family (they constantly backstab and fight each other)
- stay away from families that are stuck in outdated stupid traditions. (nonna being head of the family etc)
- stay away from chicks that over act everything, if they\'re sick they act like they\'re dieing run (one time, lisa collapsed at her house and we called a ambulance, when they got there she stood up like nothing happened, they looked at me like WTF!!!)
- stay away from chicks that can turn tears off and on like water works, (one time lisa cooked for me, it was burnt and tasted like crap. I told her it was burnt and didn\'t taste good, she started to cry and i told her to taste it, once she did she stopped straight away)
- Her own father telling me not to marry her or rush into it (even though she wanted to marry me) then telling me after we broke up to basically forget about her.
- If your GF worries more about family issues over you all the time, forget her. She\'s to tied to the family and will listen to any bs they have to say bout u, even when they barely know u.
i could keep on going but u get the point.
I still have heaps of respect for lisa\'s dad. He is and always will be to me a great bloke. We got along very well. If i could keep contact with him i\'d like to very much, when i pickup the tiles from him i\'ll ask him if he cares down the track if i can keep up with him.
and i still have to live in the house for 6 months by myself to cover lisa\'s and my own ass with the government grant, that being. If i don\'t we will owe 26 grand back to the government.
if lisa just waited till we got into the house she would have noticed massive changes in me, higher self-esteem, getting fit etc. But she has no for sight what so ever. She didn\'t stay by me even knowing i was going through a hard time with a work mate. She couldn\'t simply understand that my venting wasn\'t personal and i was just angry about being stuck in a job with a cunt of a ex best mate that was a total ass once he realised the bosses started having more interests in me. I was even planning on looking for a new job once the house was built to get away from this ex-mate. But he left the day after we broke up. What a kick in the nutz.
well, at least i\'ve learnt from this and will down the track meet a chick that will stand by me through thick and thin and not take shit personally if i have a bad day.
It will be hard for me to totally trust a chick again, but as everyone keeps telling me, they\'re all different.
What cuts me the deepest. Is the past, when we meet. She said she was pulled towards the church and was gonna avoid it. I wanted to see lisa so badly for months. Then we finally meet again and it was like magic. I never thought fate would flip a coin and wack me in the face with it. What was meant to be never was meant to be. I even gave lisa a braclet once that said "forever magic" or "magic forever" can\'t remember which way but man if i knew what was coming. She\'ll never find another dood that will put up with the shit i have in her life ever again. I predict she\'ll end up just like her aunt and mother. Alone. I could be totally wrong though, fate could slap me again and she\'ll end up doing totally fine while i go down the shitter, who knows. If there is such thing as fate. (as lisa\'s mum would say, "the universe will provide"
Read that list and tell me, would u take on a family and chick like that?